When you are out to get car insurance an insurer will want to see your credit score. This is to assess car coverage risks. If your credit score is high then you will be treated as a responsible driver. But if it is bad then you will be considered an unsafe driver. The car insurance rates for drivers that have bad credit are much higher.
Your credit score enables insurers to know:
1. Your credit debt repayment history
2. How many credit accounts do you have
3. The amount of credit you are using
4. The total debt that you owe as of the date
The manner in which you handle your credit debt shows if you are a responsible person or not. It helps insurers to know what to expect from you on road.
Before you apply for car insurance quotes, you need to check your credit score. It will help you to know how you will be rated by insurers. You can check your credit score with Equifax and TransUnion. These are the two main credit rating bureaus in the country. They may charge some fee to let you digitally access your credit score. You can also get a free copy of your credit report once a year. You need to just visit the bureaus online.